Saturday, September 4, 2010

Charity Dinner 2010

There would be a charity dinner of SJAM KSS on 12 November 2010 in Restaurant Xi Lai Ton.

Donation is appealed in the form of cash/ cheque/ bank draft with the name of  " St. John Ambulans Malaysia - Kawasan Selangor Selatan".
tax exemption receipt will be distributed to donor.

leave your enquiries in the chatbox.

Thx. =)

Blood Donation Drive 2010

SJAM KSS will be having blood donation drive in collaboration with JF Apex Securities Berhad.

Date: 3rd October 2010
Time: 10.00 am to 5.00pm
Venue: Metro Point Kajang

Some of the criteria to donate are as below:-

  1. Healthy on donation day
  2. Aged between 18-60 years. For those who are 17 years old, permission letter from parents is required. For those who are 61-65 years old, approval letter regarding health status from doctor is required.
  3. Weights over 45 kg.
  4. Sleeps more than 5 hours the night before donation day.

Feel free to contact  Madam Lee Cin Dee (012-323 3095) or the Area HQ (03-8737 6911) if more info is required.

anyone who is interested can go to support by donating blood or even moral support.

Please inform or forward to your friends and family to come and donate blood.